Weed Free Topdressing
Granular compost is WEED FREE and brings your soil to life!
- Increase soil organic matter
- Help your soil hold more water
- Improve and protect the texture and structure of your soilÂ
- Promote healthy plant growth and reduce plant diseases

Slice Aeration - All Air - No WEEDS!
- No Piles of soil cores
- No weed seed pull up
- No more short term results
- No loud gas engine disturbing the quiet
- Seed is placed in aeration slits for great germination

Weed Melting
- Kills weeds without chemicals
- Eliminate weeds, Chinch bugs, Crabgrass, and weeds seeds
- Safe for Lawns, Mulch, Interlock, Patios and Gardens

Lawn Weed and Feed
- Fertilizer & Weed Control
- Manual weeding and steam weeding

Other Services:
Liquid Aeration
Grub and Chinch Control
Crabgrass Control
Lawn Evaluations & Reports